
Eclectic Homeschooling

Homeschoolers pick and choose among various methods. In this method, each child is unique. Parents meet their child where they are at. An example would be when a child asks why storm clouds produce rain? This is the time when a parent may use an internet video and do a web search on clouds and rain. The parent usually combines other homeschooling methods as they go. Every day is different depending on how the child feels





https://www.time4learning.com/homeschooling-styles/eclectic-homeschool.html Time4Learning answers the questions:  What is Eclectic Homeschooling?  How does Time4Learning work with the Eclectic Homeschooling Method?  This link shares the difference of Eclectic vs. Relaxed Homeschooling; gives an Eclectic curriculum; and explains how to do Eclectic Homeschool Online.