Let's face it, most of the public school system indoctrinates kids for 6 or so hours a day in the secular worldview of evolutionary naturalism & sexual humanism.
Of the surge in conservative Christian schooling, driven by pandemic issues and radical sex instruction, E. Ray Moore, founder of the Christian Exodus Mandate, said, "This is a once-in-100-year moment for the growth of Christian education."
How many books such as these will it take to convince a child that boys can be girls, girls can be boys, and boys or girls can be both or neither? Is it a surprise that some are now identifying as animals?
Children are killing themselves in large numbers due to government schools, suggests a new study highlighting a very strong correlation between school attendance and youth suicide.
The mishandling of the government-sanctioned education system saw parents enrolling their children in private and charter schools. And about five million children are now homeschooled.